Introduction General Status of urban transport in India and developing countries Status of public transport with respect to coverage, feet strength, and utilization in urban areas Sustainability and land use consideration Demography and Settlement Patterns Introduction Demographic changes of India since 1950 Gross domestic product (GDP) Migration to urban areas Growth of slums in urban areas Accessibility and mobility issues for rural settlements Transport infrastructure scenario in India Different Modes and Their Characteristics Mode of transport Transport systems definitions and classifications Intermediate public transport Public transport modes Classification of mass transit modes Integrated transport infrastructure approach A look ahead in public transportation Comparative analyses Current Scenario of Public Transport (PT) in Developing Countries Current perception of PT Current planning and operational practices Issues of coordination and level of services Funding pattern Differences in scenario with respect to developed countries Public Transport Planning in Rural Areas Planning strategy Network planning Travel demand estimation Stakeholder consultation and preferences Public transport mode options Public Transport Planning In Urban Areas Urban transport planning Travel demand estimation Efficient use of existing/proposed infrastructure Routing and scheduling of public transport Intermodal coordination Stakeholder consultation and preferences Feasibility for higher-order modes like BRT and Metro rail Management of Public Transport Urban transport management Data collection, retrieval, and analysis for effective management Role of private sector in public transport management The global trend Assessment of user satisfaction Resource Needs for Public Transport Financial performance of public transport organizations Inter STU comparison Review of the existing funding pattern Estimation of resource requirements Institutional finance for STUs Innovative methods to generate revenue surpluses Economics of Public Transport Cost of public transport services Manpower requirements Estimation of social, economic, and environmental benefits References and Bibliography Index