Sports Medicine Consult: A Problem-Based Approach to Sports Medicine for the Primary Care Physician

ISBN: 9780781787208 出版年:2009 页码:337 Busconi, Brian D Wolters Kluwer Health


Preparticipation physical examination -- Athlete with a head or facial injury -- Athlete with syncope -- Athlete with shortness of breath -- Female athlete -- Athlete with rash -- Febrile/sick athlete -- Athlete with diabetes -- Athlete with neck pain -- Athlete with shoulder dislocation and instability -- Athlete with shoulder pain during throwing/overhead motion -- Athlete with overuse shoulder pain -- Athlete with elbow pain -- Athlete with overuse wrist and hand injuries -- Athlete with acute wrist and hand injuries -- Athlete with back pain -- Athlete with hip pain -- Athlete with acute knee injuries -- Athlete with knee pain -- Athlete with overuse foot and ankle injuries -- Athlete with acute foot and ankle injuries -- Athlete with stress fracture -- Athlete with peripheral nerve injuries -- Pediatric athlete -- Mature athlete -- Athletes using performance enhancers.

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