PART ONE: OVERVIEW PERSPECTIVES A History of Leadership - Keith Grint Research Methods in the Study of Leadership - Alan Bryman The Enduring and Elusive Quest for a General Theory of Leadership: Initial Efforts and New Horizons - Georgia Sorenson, George Goethals and Paige Haber Leadership Development - David V. Day PART TWO: MACRO AND SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Leadership and Organization Theory - Ken W. Parry Perspectives on Strategic Leadership - Jean-Louis Denis, Veronica Kisfalvi, Ann Langley and Linda Rouleau Charismatic Leadership - Jay A. Conger Gender and Leadership - Linda L. Carli and Alice H. Eagly A Network Approach to Leader Cognition and Effectiveness - Martin Kilduff and Prasad Balkundi Trust and Distrust in the Leadership Process: A Review and Assessment of Theory and Evidence - Roderick M. Kramer Leadership and Organizational Culture - Mats Alvesson Cross-Cultural Leadership Revisited - Eric Guthey and Brad Jackson PART THREE: POLITICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES Critical Leadership Studies - David Collinson Leadership and Power - Raymond Gordon Political Leadership - Jean Hartley and John Benington Leadership and Cults - Dennis Tourish Leadership Ethics - Joanne B. Ciulla and Donelson R. Forsyth Philosophy of Leadership - Peter Case, Robert French and Peter Simpson Aesthetics and Leadership - Hans Hansen and Ralph Bathurst PART FOUR: PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Predictors of Leadership: The Usual Suspects and the Suspect Traits - John Antonakis Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership - Gary Yukl Transformational Leadership - Hector R. Diaz-Saenz Leader-Member Exchange: Recent Findings and Prospects for the Future - Smriti Anand, Jia Hu, Robert C. Liden and Prajya R. Vidyarthi Leadership and Attachment Theory: Understanding Interpersonal Dynamics in Leader-Follower Relations - Annilee M. Game Team Leadership: A Review and Look ahead - Shawn Burke, Deborah DiazGranados and Eduardo Salas Authentic Leadership - Arran Caza and Brad Jackson A Multi-level View of Leadership and Emotions: Leading with Emotional Labour - Neal M. Ashkanasy and Ronald H. Humphrey The Shadow Side of Leadership - Manfred Kets De Vries and Katharina Balazs Psychoanalytic Approaches to Leadership - Yiannis Gabriel Creativity, Innovation and Leadership: Models and Findings - Michael D. Mumford, Isaac C. Robledo and Kimberly S. Hester PART FIVE: EMERGING PERSPECTIVES Followership and Follower-Centred Approaches - Michelle C. Bligh Hybrid Configurations of Leadership - Peter Gronn Moving Relationality: Meditations on a Relational Approach to Leadership - Dian Marie Hosking Complexity Leadership Theory - Mary Uhl-Bien and Russ Marion Spirituality and Leadership - Mario Fernando Discursive Approaches to Leadership - Gail T. Fairhurst Being Leaders: Identities and Identity Work in Leadership - Amanda Sinclair The Virtual Leader - David M. Boje, Alison Pullen, Carl Rhodes and Grace Ann Rosile