ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease

ISBN: 9781405178891 出版年:2009 页码:116 Richard Donnelly Nick J M London Wiley


Structural and functional abnormalities of arteries and veins manifest clinically in a broad spectrum of disorders, including aneurysmal disease, atherosclerosis, vasculitis, venous insufficiency, microvascular complications, thrombo-embolism and lower limb ulceration.  Many of these are common and/or chronic conditions which present for initial assessment by primary health care workers.  This new edition is a practical guide to the most commonly presenting disorders, and provides a structured approach to clinical assessment, investigations and management.  The last few years have seen major changes in the use of non-invasive or minimally-invasive techniques, e.g wider use of CT and MR angiography, and increasing use of percutaneous interventions for carotid, lower limb and reno-vascular disease.  The ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease (Second Edition) explains the underlying technology and the applications of new minimally-invasive methods, especially CT and MRI, and provides an up-dated, evidence-based guide to the modern day management of patients with common, life-threatening diseases involving different parts of the circulation. This authoritative, full-colour, illustrated ABC is an ideal reference for the primary care, non-specialist practitioner to base effective management and prevention programmes. 

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