1. Basic mathematics for radiology 2. Basic physics for radiology 3. X-ray production and properties: the fundamentals 4. X-ray production and properties: specific machine design 5. Interaction of X and gamma-radiation with matter 6. Interaction of radiation with matter: detectors 7. Photography and the film image 8. The analog image: film and video 9. Basic projection X-ray imaging systems 10. Fluoroscopy 11. Computers in radiology 12. The digital image 13. Digital fluorography 14. Computed tomography 15. Nuclear medicine: basic principles 16. Nuclear medicine: radiopharmaceuticals and imaging equipment 17. Principles of ultrasound 18. Ultrasound imaging 19. Magnetic resonance: principles 20. Magnetic resonance: imaging 21. Radiation protection: radiobiology and risk estimation 22. Radiation protection: legislation and clinical practice