----- 创新与社会经济:魁北克经验
Introduction: The Social Economy in Quebec: A Laboratory of Social Innovations Marie J. Bouchard (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 1: The Social Economy Wins Recognition in Quebec at the End of the 20th Century Benoit Levesque (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 2: Social Economy Research Partnerships: The Quebec Experience Jean-Marc Fontan (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 3: Governance and the Associative Sector of the Social Economy: The Partnership Between the State and Civil Society in Question Luc Dancause (Universite du Quebec a Montreal ) and Richard Morin (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 4: Co-construction of Public Policy: The Contribution of the Social Economy Yves Vaillancourt (Universite du Quebec a Montreal ) with the collaboration of Philippe Leclerc (Concordia University) Chapter 5: The Uncertain Evolution of Association Law in Quebec: The Achilles' Heel of the Social Economy? Louis Jolin (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 6: Solidarity Finance: History of an Emerging Practice Gilles L. Bourque (Fondaction), Margie Mendell (Concordia University), Ralph Rouzier (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 7: Social Economy, Environment, and Sustainable Development: From Specialized Sector to Renewed Social Vision Corinne Gendron (Universite du Quebec a Montreal ) and Marie-France Turcotte (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Chapter 8 : The Social Economy: A Springboard for Local Development Projects? Juan-Luis Klein (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) and Pierre-Andre Tremblay (Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi) Chapter 9 : Factors Influencing the Wage Relation in the Social Economy Yvan Comeau ( Universite Laval) Conclusion: Studying Social Innovation: Lessons from the Social Economy Marie J. Bouchard