----- 符号学的首要性:关系的本体论
Preface Abbreviations Introduction: The Drama of Relation and Its Characters 1 An Even Briefer History of Relations * Terminology * Discussion in and after the Latin West 2 Deleuze and External (or Ontological) Relations * The Circle of the Proposition * The Complex Theme of the Proposition 3 Poinsot and Deely on Relations and Signs * Objective Being * The Doctrine of 'Species' * Ideas * FormalSigns * Scotist and Thomist Accounts * Objective Being as Umwelt 4 Umwelten * Jakob von Uexkull and Umwelten * The Tick as an Interpreter - the Functional Cycle * Deleuze and Guattari's Appropriation * Contemporary Value and Semiotic Use * Species-Specific Objective Worlds * Heideggerean Umwelten * The Transformation of Umwelt into Lebenswelt 5 Autopoiesis and Languaging * Background and Context * Cognitive Systems * Living Systems * Languaging Conclusion Notes Bibliography Index