Visual Culture and the Holocaust

ISBN: 9780485300970 出版年:2000 页码:375 Barbie Zelizer Bloomsbury Publishing


A book that looks at both the traditional and the unconventional ways in which the holocaust has been visually represented. The purpose of this volume is to enhance our understanding of the visual representation of the Holocaust - in films, television, photographs, art and museum installations and cultural artifacts - and to examine the ways in which these have shaped our consciousness. The areas covered include the Eichman Trial as covered on American television, the impact of Schindler's List, the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Isreali Heritage Museums, Women and Holocaust Photography, Internet Holocaust sites and tattoos and shrunken heads, the bodies of the dead and of the survivors.

Jordan Owens

This was a book required for my visual culture and holocaust class. If it weren't for this class, my whole life would be different. I wasn't looking forward to taking it initially because I thought I would cry everyday but it was the only 400 level writing class that fit in my schedule. I'm so glad I took it though. It's hard to describe but it inspired me and my work changed in school. I'm still affected and inspired years later. Maybe it was just me though and everyone else in my class hated it and did not have the same experience. I feel like this class was one of the most important classes I ever took in college. We can only connect the dots looking back.....

Jordan Owens

This was a book required for my visual culture and holocaust class. If it weren't for this class, my whole life would be different. I wasn't looking forward to taking it initially because I thought I would cry everyday but it was the only 400 level writing class that fit in my schedule. I'm so glad I took it though. It's hard to describe but it inspired me and my work changed in school. I'm still affected and inspired years later. Maybe it was just me though and everyone else in my class hated it and did not have the same experience. I feel like this class was one of the most important classes I ever took in college. We can only connect the dots looking back.....
