----- 北美的土著宗教和文化:神圣人类学
Introduction Lawrence Sullivan 1. Renewal as Discourse and Discourse as Renewal in Native Northwestern California Thomas Buckley 2. Traditional Ways and Contemporary Vitality: Absaroke/Crow John A. Grim 3. Rebalancing the World in the Contradictions of History: Creek/Mukogee Joel W. Martin 4. Wiping the Tears: Lakota Religion in the Twenty-first century William K. Powers 5. The Continuous Renewal of Sacred Religions: Navajo Religion Trudy Griffin-Pierce 6. In the Space between Earth and Sky: Contemporary Mescalero Apache Ceremonialism Ines Talamantez 7. Synchretism, Revival, and reinvention: Tlingit Religion Pre- and Postcontact Richard Dauenhauer 8. Eye of the Dance: Spiritual Life of the Central Yup'ik Eskimos Ann Feinup-Riordan 9. Images of the Sacred in Native North American Literature Franco Meli