Think Positively!

ISBN: 9781441124814 出版年:2010 页码:235 Erica Frydenberg Bloomsbury Publishing


Each module includes Group and Class Activities, Individual Instruction and Homework Activities, Resources, Coping Quiz and Further Reading Section 1: Positive psychology, cognitive behavioural theory and the field of coping: What we know Cognitive Behaviour Therapy The Adolescent Brain Social and Emotional Learning The Challenge From Stress to Coping Definitions of Coping So what is Coping Measurement of Coping What we know about Coping Achievement Wellbeing and Coping Dysfunctional Behaviour and Coping Learning to Cope' How the 12 Modules can be used Section 2: The modules of the program Module 1: The Language of Coping Module 2: Positive Thinking Module 3: Strategies that don't help Module 4: Getting Along with Others Module 5: Asking for Help Module 6: Coping with Conflict Module 7: Problem Solving Module 8: Social Problem Solving Module 9: Decision Making Module 10: Coping in the Cyberworld Module 11: Goal Setting and Goal Getting Module 12: Time Management Section 3: Coping Skills for Particular Groups Learning Disabled - Students who have SLD Features of the Population Adapting the Program Evaluation What learned Children who have experienced Divorce - The group How adapted What found Dealing with Depression - What is Depression? What are the effects of Depression? Intervention Helping a person with Depression Chronic Illness - Features of the Population Adaptation of the program Young people with Asperger's - Particular need of students who have Asperger's Features of the population Adaptation of the program Working in small groups Concluding remarks.

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