Translator's Introduction Letter from Maimon to Kant Letter in reply from Kant to Maimon Letter from Maimon to Berlin Journal for Enlightenment Essay on Transcendental Philosophy Dedication Introduction 1. Matter, Form of Cognition, Form of Sensibility, Form of Understanding, Tim and Space 2. Sensibility, Imagination, Understanding, Pure A Priori Concepts of the Understanding or Categories, Schemata, Answering the Question Quid Juris, Answering the Question Quid Facti, Doubts about the Latter 3. Ideas of the Understanding, Ideas of Reason 4. Subject and Predicate, The Determinable and the Determination 5. Think, Possible, Necessary, Ground, Consequence 6. Identity, Difference, Opposition, Reality, Logical and Transcendental Negation 7. Magnitude 8. Alteration, Change 9. Truth, Subjective, Objective, Logical, Metaphysical 10. On the I, Materialism, Idealism, Dualism Short Overview of the Whole Work My Ontology On Symbolic Cognition and Philosophical Language Notes and Clarifications Glossary Bibliography Index.