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Introduction The Privileged Qualities of Commodities The Process of Commoditization Examples of How Commoditization Works The Attributes of Commoditization Conclusion Evolution, Systems, and Commoditization Introduction Commoditization and Evolutionary Theory The Natural Selection of Commodities Commoditization and Systems Conclusion Commoditization and Distortion of Development Introduction Unfair Competition and Comparisons Industrial or High Input Agriculture VS Low Input Agriculture Health Care and Health Services Environmental Pollution Control and the 4Rs Transportation Science and Academia Electricity Sector (Box) Conclusion Systematic Oppression Introduction Linking Oppression and Commoditization How to Build a Community Conquest, Money, and Commoditization Commoditization and the Oppression of Indigenous People The Legacy of Colonialism in the Modern Global Economy Commoditization and the Oppression of Women Commoditization and Class Oppression The Underdevelopment of Imagination Conclusion The Institutional Development of the Commoditized Economy Introduction European Foundations Pre-industrial Commercial Institutions The Rise of Industrialism and the Modern Economy The American Experience Ecology and Commoditization Sustainable Development and the Challenge of Ecology Ecological Principles and Economic Implications Conclusion Toward a Coordinated Decommoditization Strategy Introduction The Policy Wedges The Role of Participatory Democracy The Powers of Government Steps in a Decommoditization Strategy Decommoditization Effect on Government Credit Policies Building a Movement