----- 统计发言:引文辞典
Preface. Actuary. Analysis. Average. Bayesian. Cause and effect. Certainty. Chance. Common sense. Correlation. Data. Definitions. Degrees of freedom. Design of experiments. Dice. Distributions. Error. Experiment. Facts. Forecast. Gambling. Graphics. Hypotheses. Impossible. Infinite. Knowledge. Laws. Likelihood. Measurement. Models. Observations. Order. Outliers. Percentages. Prayer. Prediction. Probability. Probable. Problems. Quality control. Queue. Randomness. Reason. Recursion. Regression. Research. Residuals. Sample. Science. Statistical. Statistician. Statistics. Surveys and questionnaires. Symmetry. Tables. Teaching. Testing. Theory. Truth. Variability. Bibliography. Permissions. Subject by author index. Author by subject index.