Computational Intelligence In Manufacturing Handbook

ISBN: 9780849305924 出版年:2000 页码:573 CRC Press


OVERVIEW Computational Intelligence for Manufacturing, D.T. Pham and P.T.N. Pham Neural Network Applications in Intelligent Manufacturing: An Updated Survey, Jun Wang, Wai Sum Tang, and Catherine Roze MANUFACTURING SYSTEM MODELING AND DESIGN Holonic Metamorphic Architectures for Manufacturing: Identifying Holonic Structures in Multi-Agent Systems by Fuzzy Modeling, Michaela Ulieru, Dan Stefanoiu, and Douglas Norrie MANUFACTURING SYSTEM MODELING AND DESIGN Neural Network Applications for Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing, Nallan C. Suresh Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Flexible Manufacturing System Design, A. Kazerooni, K. Abhary, L.H.S. Luong, and F.T.S. Chan Genetic Algorithms in Manufacturing System Design, L.H.S. Luong, M. Kazerooni, and K. Abhary Intelligent Design Retrieving Systems Using Neural Networks, C.Alec Chang and Chieh-Yuan Tsai PROCESS PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Soft Computing for Optimal Planning and Sequencing of Parallel Machining Operations, Yuan-Shin Lee, Nan-Chieh Chiu, and Shu-Cherng Fang Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization, Y.F. Zhang and A.Y.C. Nee Production Planning and Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms, Runwei Cheng and Mitsuo Gen MANUFACTURING PROCESS MONITORING AND CONTROL Neural Network Predictive Process Models: Three Diverse Manufacturing Applications, Sarah S.Y. Lam and Alice E. Smith Neural Network Applications to Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control, Hyung Suck Cho Computational Intelligence in Microelectronics Manufacturing, Gary S. May Monitoring and Diagnosing Manufacturing Processes Using Fuzzy Set Theory, R. Du and Yangsheng Xu Fuzzy Neural Network and Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring, Xiaoli Li QUALITY ASSURANCE AND FAULT DIAGNOSIS Neural Networks and Neural-Fuzzy Approaches in an In-Process Surface Roughness Recognition System for End Milling Operations, Joseph C. Chen Intelligent Quality Controllers for On-Line Parameter Design, Ratna Babu Chinnam A Hybrid Neural Fuzzy System for Statistical Process Control, Shing I. Chang RClass: A Prototype Rough-Set and Genetic Algorithms Enhanced Multi-Concept Classification System for Manufacturing Diagnosis, Li-Pheng Khoo and Lian-Yin Zhai

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