INTRODUCTION Parametric or Nonparametric? Instructors Example Quadratic Differences and Ranking Outline and Scope Applications of Nonparametric Methods to Sensory Evaluation MODELLING TIES Introduction The Sign Test and Ties Modelling Partitioned Ties in the Sign Test Modelling Unpartitioned Ties in the Sign Test McNemar's Test Partitioning into Components Ties in a Multinomial Test Ties When Testing for Independence TESTS ON ONE-WAY LAYOUT DATA: EXTENSIONS TO THE MEDIAN AND KRUSKAL-WALLIS TESTS Introduction A Model and Pearson's c2 Test Partitioning Pearson's Statistic The Kruskal-Wallis Test with No Ties The Kruskal-Wallis Test with Ties Generalised Median Tests TESTS BASED ON A PRODUCT MULTINOMIAL MODEL: YATES' TEST AND ITS EXTENSIONS Introduction One-Way Tables Partitioning c2p Using Score Statistics Other Methods for Ordered Data Small Sample Size and Power Comparisons Examples FURTHER TESTS BASED ON A PRODUCT MULTINOMIAL MODEL: ORDER IN THE SIGN TEST AND ORDINAL CATEGORICAL DATA WITH A FACTORIAL RESPONSE Introduction How Order Affects the Sign Test The Sign Test and Gart's Tests A New Model and Score Test Comparison of the Sign and Score Tests Sports Drink Example Recommendations Nonparametric Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data with Factorial Response Olives Data Example Cross Cultural Study Example TESTS ON COMPLETE RANDOMISED BLOCKS: EXTENSIONS TO THE FRIEDMAN AND COCHRAN TESTS Peach Example Friedman's Test and Its Extensions Derivations Page's Test and Its Relationship to Friedman's, Anderson's and Pearson's Tests An Alternative Partition of the Anderson Statistic: An Umbrella Test Ties Cochran's Test Stuart's Test and Its Extensions FURTHER TESTS ON RANDOMISED BLOCKS: EXTENSIONS TO DURBIN'S TEST Introduction Durbin's Test and Its Extensions Derivations A Page-Type Test Paired Comparisons with a 2n Factorial Structure EXTENSIONS TO A NONPARMETRIC CORRELATION TEST: SPEARMAN'S TEST Introduction A Smooth Model and Tests for Independence Smooth Extensions Interpretation of the Components Discussion Multi-way Tables ONE AND S-SAMPLE SMOOTH TESTS OF GOODNESS OF FIT Introduction One-Sample Testing for Uncategorised Distributions One-Sample Testing for Categorised Distributions S-Sample Testing Derivations and Simulation Study CONCLUSION APPENDICES