Sodium-Potassium-ATPASE. The Epithelial Sodium Channel. The sodium-hydrogen exchange system. Renal Structure Proteins and Sodium Transport. Neural control of sodium balance. Aldosterone and Mineralcorticoid Receptors. ss-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Integrative Renal Regulation of Sodium Excretion. Animal models of abnormal sodium handling. Sodium and the Development of Hypertension Experimental Evidence. Salt and Hypertension:Epidemiological and Clinical Evidence for a Link. Influence of Sodium on Pulse Pressure and Systolic. Salt and blood pressure:the concept of salt sensitivity. Renal Sodium Handling in Women. Sodium Balance in Cirrhosis. Sodium Balance in Heart Failure. The kidney: a target organ of excessice dietary salt intake. Sodium balance in the metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Drug-induced alterations of sodium balance: the example of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.agents. Position of diuretics in the management of hypertension. Sodium status and the response to blockade of the renin angiotensin system. Mineralocorticoid antagonists in heart failure and chronic renal failure.