----- 太赫兹光谱学:原理与应用
ISBN: 9780849375255 出版年:2017 页码:358 CRC Press
Preface Instrumentation and Methods Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Photoconductive Antennas R. Alan Cheville Nonlinear Optical Techniques for Terahertz Pulse Generation and Detection-Optical Rectification and Electrooptic Sampling Ingrid Wilke and Suranjana Sengupta Time-Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy and Terahertz Emission Spectroscopy Jason B. Baxter and Charles A. Schmuttenmaer Applications in Physics and Materials Science Time-Resolved Terahertz Studies of Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Superconductors, and Strongly Correlated Electron Materials Robert A. Kaindl and Richard D. Averitt Time-Resolved Terahertz Studies of Conductivity Processes in Novel Electronic Materials Jie Shan and Susan L. Dexheimer Optical Response of Semiconductor Nanostructures in Terahertz Fields Generated by Electrostatic Free-Electron Lasers Sam Carter, John Cerne, and Mark S. Sherwin Applications in Chemistry and Biomedicine Terahertz Spectroscopy of Biomolecules Edwin J. Heilweil and David F. Plusquellic Pharmaceutical and Security Applications of Terahertz Spectroscopy J. Axel Zeitler, Thomas Rades, and Philip F. Taday Index