Optical Spectroscopy of Lanthanides —— Magnetic and Hyperfine Interactions

----- 镧系元素光谱学:磁超精细相互作用

ISBN: 9780367389178 出版年:2007 页码:356 Wybourne, Brian G Smentek, Lidia CRC Press


BASIC FACTS OF NUCLEI Nucleons The Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator Magic Nuclei Numbers Nuclear Pairing Interactions Nuclear Spin of Nuclei Ground States NOTES ON THE QUANTUM THEORY OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM Coupling and Uncoupling of Angular Momenta The 3j-Symbols The 6j-Symbols The 9j-Symbols Tensor Operators The Wigner-Eckart Theorem for SO(3) Coupled Tensor Operators Some Special 3nj-Symbols The Zeeman Effect: Weak-Field Case Exercises INTERACTIONS IN ONE- AND TWO-ELECTRON SYSTEMS States of Two-Electron Systems The Central Field Approximation Coulomb Interaction in Two-Electron Systems Coulomb Matrix Elements for the f 2 Electron Configuration The Spin-Orbit Interaction Spin-Orbit Matrices for f 2 Intermediate Coupling Exercises COUPLING SCHEMES OF ANGULAR MOMENTA Notes on jj-coupling J1j-coupling NdI and NdII Energy Levels and j1j-Coupling J1j-coupling in GdIII Levels of 4 f 7 (8 S 7/2 )6p J1l-coupling Exercises FINE AND MAGNETIC HYPERFINE STRUCTURE Intermediate Coupling, g-Factors, and g-Sum Rule Fine Structure in Alkali Atoms and Zeeman Effect Introductory Remarks on Magnetic Hyperfine Structure Magnetic Hyperfine Structure Exercises MAGNETIC DIPOLE AND ELECTRIC QUADRUPOLE HYPERFINE STRUCTURES Magnetic Hyperfine Structure in the JMJ IMI Basis Zeeman Effect in the JIFMF and JMJ IMI MF Bases Example of a J = 1/2 Electronic Level Example of Electric Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure Exercises INTENSITIES OF ELECTRONIC TRANSITIONS Electric Dipole Transitions in Atoms Ratio of the Line Strengths for the D Lines of Alkali Atoms Line Strengths for Many-Electron Atoms Relative Line Strengths in LS-coupling Relative Line Strengths for Hyperfine Levels Relative Line Strengths for the D2 Transitions of Effective Operators and Perturbation Theory The Quadratic Stark Effect in Atoms Example of HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS AND LASER COOLING Motion and Temperature Some Basic Quantum Results Absorption and Emission of Photons Laser Cooling Magneto-Optical Traps IONS IN CRYSTALS Crystal Field Splittings Data on the Finite Groups O ~ S4 and C3v ~ S3 Data on the Finite Groups for Ho3+ Ions in LiY F4 Crystals The Crystal Field Expansion Point Group Symmetry Restrictions An Octahedral Crystal Field Identification of the Octahedral States for 3 F3 Influence of the Trigonal C3v Crystal Field SOME ASPECTS OF CRYSTAL FIELD THEORY Selection Rules for Transitions in Ions in a Crystal Field of S4 Point Symmetry Crystal Field Quantum Numbers Intensities of Transitions and Effective Operators for Ions in Crystals A Simplified Crystal Field Calculation The MAPLE Program HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS IN CRYSTALS: Pr3+ IN OCTAHEDRAL FIELD Matrix Elements of Magnetic Dipole Hyperfine Interactions An Octahedral Crystal Field Octahedral Magnetic Hyperfine Matrix Elements MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS IN f-ELECTRON SYSTEMS The f N Electron Configurations Calculation of the Free Ion Energy Levels of Sm I The Zeeman Effect in Sm I (Without Nuclear Spin Effects) The Zeeman Effect in Sm I, Including Nuclear Spin Some MAPLE Zeeman Effect Programs Zeeman Matrices in a | JMJ IMI MF Basis MAGNETIC HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS IN LANTHANIDES Magnetic Hyperfine Matrix Elements in JMJ IMJ Coupling Magnetic Hyperfine Matrix Elements for the 7F J = 0, 1 Levels Combined Magnetic and Hyperfine Fields in Sm I Combined Magnetic Hyperfine and Crystal Fields Other Physical Mechanisms and Higher Order Corrections Exercises ELECTRIC QUADRUPOLE HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS Derivation of a Tensorial Form of HEQ ELECTRIC QUADRUPOLE HYPERFINE STRUCTURE IN CRYSTALS Explicit Calculation of Elliott's Term Spin-Orbit Interaction Between 7F0 and the Lowest 5D0 THE ELECTRIC MULTIPOLE COUPLING MECHANISM IN CRYSTALS Configuration Interaction Mechanisms Excitations from the 4f N Shell Exercises ELECTRIC DIPOLE fâ f TRANSITIONS Judd-Ofelt Theory of fâ f Intensities Double-Perturbation Theory Third-Order Effective Operators Radial Integrals and Perturbed Function Approach Other Contributions RELATIVISTIC EFFECTS Relativistic Crystal Field Theory Relativistic fâ f Transitions in Crystal Fields Effective Operators of Relativistic fâ f Theory Parameterization Schemes of f Spectra MAGNETIC DIPOLE TRANSITIONS IN CRYSTALS Polarization of Light and Transitions Selection Rules for Transitions in Crystals The Oscillator Strengths for the 7F00 â 7F1M Transitions Intermediate Coupling and 5D1 â 7F0 Transitions Oscillator Strengths for the 5D1 â 7F1 Magnetic Dipole Transitions J-Mixing and "Intensity Borrowing" Perturbation Approach and Higher-Order Contributions Exercises HYPERFINE-INDUCED TRANSITIONS The Electron Configurations (2s2p) and (2p2) in N IV Ions Nuclear Magnetic Dipole Hyperfine Matrix Elements in (2s2p) The Mapleâ ¢ Procedures Used to Calculate the Hyperfine Matrix Elements Hyperfine Induced fâ f Transitions Nuclear Magnetic Hyperfine Contributions Electric Multipole Hyperfine Contributions Summary Intrashell Interactions NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF RADIAL TERMS Approximations Functions of the Radial Basis Set Perturbed Functions Values of Radial Integrals for All Lanthanide Ions LUMINESCENCE OF LANTHANIDE-DOPED MATERIALS Experiments Electrostatic Model Effective Operator Formulation Confrontation with Nature: Tissue Selective Lanthanide Chelates Index *Each Chapter contains Up-to-date References

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