Ecology and Biomechanics —— A Mechanical Approach to the Ecology of Animals and Plants

----- 生态学与生物力学:动物与植物生态学的力学研究

ISBN: 9780849332098 出版年:2006 页码:351 CRC Press


Tree Biomechanics and Growth Strategies in the Context of Forest Functional Ecology, M. Fournier, A. Stokes, C. Coutand, T. Fourcaud, and B. Moulia Diversity of Mechanical Architectures in Climbing Plants: An Ecological Perspective, N. Rowe, S. Isnard, F. Gallenmuller, and T. Speck The Role of Blade Buoyancy and Reconfiguration in the Mechanical Adaptation of the Southern Bullkelp Durvillaea, D.L. Harder, C.L. Stevens, T. Speck, and C.L. Hurd Murray's Law and the Vascular Architecture of Plants, K.A. McCulloh and J.S. Sperry Plant-Animal Mechanics and Bite Procurement in Grazing Ruminants, W.M. Griffiths Biomechanics of Salvia Flowers: The Role of Lever and Flower Tube in Specialization on Pollinators, M. Reith, R. Classen-Bockhoff, and T. Speck Do Plant Waxes Make Insect Attachment Structures Dirty? ExperimentalEvidences for the Contamination Hypothesis, E. Gorb and S. Gorb Ecology and Biomechanics of Slippery Wax Barriers and Wax Running to Macaranga - Ant Mutualisms, W. Federle and T. Bruening Nectar Feeding in Long-Proboscid Insects, B.J. Borrell and H.W. Krenn Biomechanics and Behavioral Mimicry in Insects, Y. Golding and R. Ennos Interindividual Variation in the Muscle Physiology of Vertebrate Ectotherms: Consequences for Behavioral and Ecological Performance, C.A. Navas, R.S. James, and R.S. Wilson Power Generation during Locomotion in Anolis Lizards: An Ecomorphological Approach, B. Vanhooydonck, P. Aerts, D.J. Irschick, and A. Herrel Implications of Microbial Motility on the Water Column Ecosystems, K. Christensen-Dalsgaard The Biomechanics of Ecological Speciation, J. Podos and A. Hendry

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