Poor posture results in pain and ill health for a considerable part ofthe population.Only recently have people, and personal trainers, realised thatimproved posture can lead to enormous health and well-being benefits.Not to mention physical benefits: the average person can add halfan inch to their height, 1 inch to their shoulder width and reduce theirwaistline by two-thirds of by improving posture.The Complete Guide to Postural Training is the first book to take a systematic approach to improvingposture, from initial postural assessment to a programme of correctiveexercise. It is ideal for anyone who wishes to improve their posture,particularly those whealth and fitness benefits orimproved sporting performance. It will also prove invaluable to gyminstructors and personal trainers who are dealing with increasingnumbers of clients looking to improve posture and, at present, have nosource of reference to work from.