This comprehensive monograedition of one of the mostpopular Poyser monographs; it covers all aspects of this spectaculareagle's biology and ecology, includingof the literatureand incorporating the considerable body of research on the speciessince the publication of the first edition in 1997. The late JeffWatson was one of Scotland's foremost eagle experts, with more than 20years of research on the birds; following Jeff's untimely death, thebook is being completed by his colleagues Des Thompson and Helen Riley.Scottish studies provide the foundation for a treatment that alsoincludes up-to-date information from work in North America, continentalEurope and elsewherview allows fascinating insights intothe species' relationships with a variety of different habitats andleads to many new and important conclusions regarding its ecology. Thishighly readable and authoritative account is destined to become thestandard reference on the species, both in Scotland and elsewhere inthe world. The text is enriched wipictures of thismajestic bird and additional wash landscapes capture the very specialatmosphere of Scotland's Golden Eagle country.