Transforming Nursing Through Reflective Practice

ISBN: 9781405114578 出版年:2009 页码:200 Christopher Johns Dawn Freshwater Wiley


Foreword by Jean Watson.List of Contributors.1. Expanding the Gates of Perception.2. Evidence, Memory and Truth: Towards a Deconstructive Validation of Reflective Practice.3. Living Relational Ethics in Health Care.4. Reflective Practice and Socratic Dialogue.5. Clinical Supervision in the Context of Custodial Care.6. Developing Prison Health Care through Reflective Practice.7. Voice as a Metaphor for Transformation through Reflection.8. Reflexivity and Intersubjectivity in Clinical Supervision: On the Value of Not-knowing.9. The Beast and the Star: Resolving Contradictions within Everyday Practice.10. Using Reflection in Complementary Therapies: Critical Reflection and Pain Management.11. Creating Sacred Space: A Journey to the Soul.12. Constructing the Reflexive Narrative.Index

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