----- 佛教在当代日本:Reiyukai Kyodan
*FrontMatter, pg. i*Contents, pg. v*List of Illustrations, pg. vii*List of Figures, pg. ix*List of Tables, pg. xi*Note on Romanization, pg. xiii*Preface, pg. xv*Introduction, pg. 1*Chapter One. The History of Reiyukai, pg. 10*Chapter Two. Contemporary Activities and Organization, pg. 54*Chapter Three. Reiyukai and the Family, pg. 98*Chapter Four. Reiyukai Ritual, pg. 127*Chapter Five. Witnessing and Healing, pg. 155*Chapter Six. The Role of Women in Reiyukai, pg. 188*Conclusion, pg. 224*Appendix. Questionnaire Results, pg. 231*Bibliography, pg. 255*Index, pg. 265