The Play of Space —— Spatial Transformation in Greek Tragedy

----- 空间游戏:希腊悲剧的空间转变

ISBN: 9780691058092 出版年:2009 页码:465 Rehm, Rush Princeton University Press


LIST OF FIGURES vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ix A NOTE TO THE READER xi INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER ONE: The Theater and Athenian Spatial Practice 35 The Theater of Dionysus 37 The Sanctuary of Dionysus Eleuthereus 41 The City Dionysia: Procession, Sacrifice, and the Secular 44 Inside Out, Outside In: Land, Livelihood, and Living Space in the Polis 54 CHAPTER TWO: Space for Returns 76 The Oresteia: Homecoming and Its Returns 77 Heracles and Home 100 CHAPTER THREE: Eremetic Space 114 Antigone: Desolation Takes the Stage 115 Ajax: Alone in Space, In and Out of Time 123 Philoctetes: The Island eremia 138 Prometheus Bound: The Ends of the Earth 156 CHAPTER FOUR: Space and the Body 168 Hecuba: The Body as Measure 175 Euripides' Electra: The Intimate Body 187 The Bacchae: The Theatrical Body 200 CHAPTER FIVE: Space, Time, and Memory: Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus 215 CHAPTER SIX: Space and the Other 236 Persians 239 The Other Medea: Woman, Barbarian, Exile, Athenian 251 CONCLUSION 270 APPENDIX: Theories of Space 273 NOTES 297 BIBLIOGRAPHY 405 INDEX 435

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