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Drug Delivery Approaches and Nanosystems, Two-Volume Set

ISBN: 9781771885850 出版年:2020 页码:859 Apple Academic Press


This new two-volume set, Drug Delivery Approaches and Nanosystems, Volume 1: Novel Drug Carriers and Volume 2: Drug Targeting Aspects of Nanotechnology presents a comprehensive look at the state-of-the-art research and developments in drug delivery systems using nanotechnology and its applications. Many methods of drug delivery systems have been used, but very few of them have been validated for medical use. A major reason for the above situation, the editors believe, is due to the gap between academia and research, and the gap between academic research and real-time clinical applications and needs. These volumes address that gap. Volume 1 addresses the ubiquitous applications of nanotechnology or nano-sized materials in the medical field and the real-world challenges and complexities of current drug delivery methodologies and techniques, while Volume 2 focuses on drug targeting aspects of nanotechnology. Together they provide a thorough review of the applications of nanotechnology or nano-sized materials in the medical field and the real-world challenges and complexities of current drug delivery methodologies and techniques. These two volumes will provide a plethora of real-world information for the application of drug delivery approaches via nanotechnology that will be valuable to scientists and researchers as well as faculty and students. The volumes are available separately or together as a set.

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