Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models

ISBN: 9780824785826 出版年:2017 页码:475 Broemeling CRC Press


With Bayesian statistics rapidly becoming accepted as a way to solve applied statisticalproblems, the need for a comprehensive, up-to-date source on the latest advances in thisfield has arisen.Presenting the basic theory of a large variety of linear models from a Bayesian viewpoint,Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models fills this need. Plus, this definitive volume containssomething traditional-a review of Bayesian techniques and methods of estimation, hypothesis,testing, and forecasting as applied to the standard populations ... somethinginnovative-a new approach to mixed models and models not generally studied by statisticianssuch as linear dynamic systems and changing parameter models ... and somethingpractical-clear graphs, eary-to-understand examples, end-of-chapter problems, numerousreferences, and a distribution appendix.Comprehensible, unique, and in-depth, Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models is the definitivemonograph for statisticians, econometricians, and engineers. In addition, this text isideal for students in graduate-level courses such as linear models, econometrics, andBayesian inference.

Michael R. Chernick

Lyle Broemeling is a recently retired Professor of Statistics from the MD Anderson School of Medicine at the University of Texas in Houston. There he worked with other Bayesian statisticians including Don Berry in the application of Bayesian methods in medical research. When this book was published in the mid 1980s he was Professor of Statistics at Oklahoma State University. Bromemeling is an excellent teacher and author and in this book he presents the methodology needed to apply Bayesian methods to the wealth of linear models that are applicable in a wide variety of statistical problems including man problems in the analysis of clinical trials data. The only drawback of the book is that it was written prior to the development of MCMC methods as an approach to producing Bayesian posterior distributions. So at that time for computational reasons conjugate priors were often used to allow closed form solutions. Such restrictions are no longer needed although the new methods require a lot of computing and diagnostic checking. The Bayesian concepts are timeless and this book is as good as any for learning the Bayesian principles and how they can be applied to linear models.

Michael R. Chernick

Lyle Broemeling is a recently retired Professor of Statistics from the MD Anderson School of Medicine at the University of Texas in Houston. There he worked with other Bayesian statisticians including Don Berry in the application of Bayesian methods in medical research. When this book was published in the mid 1980s he was Professor of Statistics at Oklahoma State University. Bromemeling is an excellent teacher and author and in this book he presents the methodology needed to apply Bayesian methods to the wealth of linear models that are applicable in a wide variety of statistical problems including man problems in the analysis of clinical trials data. The only drawback of the book is that it was written prior to the development of MCMC methods as an approach to producing Bayesian posterior distributions. So at that time for computational reasons conjugate priors were often used to allow closed form solutions. Such restrictions are no longer needed although the new methods require a lot of computing and diagnostic checking. The Bayesian concepts are timeless and this book is as good as any for learning the Bayesian principles and how they can be applied to linear models.
