Synthesis, presynthesis, sufficient conditions for optimality and subanalytic sets, H.J. Sussmann upper and lower semicontinuous differential inclusions - a unified approach, Alberto Bressan global controllability by nice controls, Kevin A. Grasse and H.J. Sussmann integrability of certain distributions associated with actions on manifolds and applications to control problems, Eduardo D. Sontag right and left invertibility of nonlinear control systems, Witold Respondek equivalence and invariants of nonlinear control systems, Bronislaw Jakubczyk dual variational methods in optimal control theory, Alberto Bressan invariance of extremals, Stanislaw Lojasiewicz, Jr symplectic geometry for optimal control, A.A. Agrachev and R.V. Gamkrelidze linear systems with quadratic costs, Velimir Jurdjevic the ubiquity of Fuller's phenomenon, Ivan A.K. Kupka regularity properties of optimal trajectories - recently developed techniques, Heinz Schattler graded and nilpotent approximations of input-output systems, Peter E. Crouch high-order small-time local controllability, Matthias Kawski.