Stormwater Infiltration

ISBN: 9780873719872 出版年:2017 页码:276 Ferguson, Bruce K CRC Press


Stormwater infiltration is the most complete approach to stormwater management. Only infiltration can simultaneously solve problems of water quality, flood control, streambank erosion, aquifer recharge, and maintenance of downstream base flows and wetland hydroperiods. Stormwater Infiltration is the first book to explain the principles of natural science on which infiltration is based, how to apply infiltration to any region of the country, and what kinds of results can be expected. It brings into one publication the complete range of necessary information on soils, vegetation, infiltration, hydrology, design criteria, site layout, construction process for surface and subsurface basins, porous paving materials, feasibility, maintenance, and performance. It draws more than half a century's actual experiences from all over the United States to place stormwater management in a context of environmental balance and quality for human life.

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