----- 通讯系统管理手册
As a manager of the 锟?0s, you know that IT departments like your own must continue to meet increasingly sophisticated end-user needs despite highly limited resources. Learn when it锟絪 best to farm out work to consultants, when to reserve internal resources for other tasks, and how best to use your in-house staff. Coverage unlike any other in the marketplace. Written by 41 experts 锟?all practitioners in the networking and IS management fields 锟?this guidebook provides unique depth and scope. In this Third Edition, you锟絣l find all new material that clearly outlines today锟絪 hottest issues. Prepares you to quickly respond to management requirements. Are you aware of the latest on strategic planning, systems planning, and points-of-failure planning? Have you linked your IT architecture and business plans? Have you updated senior management as to how IT can help achieve corporate goals? Do you have a corporate technology plan? Turn to the Handbook for all this and more. Now you can get up to speed on the latest in client/server, on how to give your end users faster and greater access to corporate data at a lower cost, and on how to quantify the amount of network support that this improvement will require? The Handbook was written with you in mind. The perfect resource for today锟絪 successful communications systems manager. This comprehensive, highly authoritative reference is designed to help you select, maintain, and manage your communications systems. It provides all the tools you need to evaluate, formulate, and implement effective communications network strategies to keep pace with today锟絪 rapidly changing technology. You get illustrations, tables, and diagrams to clearly outline and guide you the entire way. Be aware of the latest technologies and their impact on you. Keep costs down by aiding your thinking through all the systems and network elements from concept through implementation and day-to-day operation.