CRC Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

ISBN: 9781315891910 出版年:2019 页码:512 Polk, Charles CRC Press


Introduction, C. PolkDIELECTRIC PERMITTIVITY AND ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIALSDielectric Properties of Tissues, K.R. Foster and H.P. SchwanEFFECTS OF DC AND LOW FREQUENCY FIELDSInteraction of DC and ELF Electric Fields with Biological Materials and Systems, F.S. BarnesBiological Effects of Static Magnetic Fields, R.B. Frankel and R.P. LiburdyInteraction of ELF Magnetic Fields with Living Systems, T.S. TenfordeElectric and Magnetic Fields for Bone and Soft Tissue Repair, C. PolkElectroporation, J.C. Weaver and Y. ChizmadzhevEpidemiological Studies of Electromagnetic Fields and Health, R.G. StevensEFFECTS OF RADIO FREQUENCY (INCLUDING MICROWAVE) FIELDSExperimental Radiowave and Microwave Dosimetry, M.A. Stuchly and S.S. StuchlyComputer Methods for Predicting Field Intensity, J.C. Lin and O.P. GhandhiThermoregulation in the Presence of Microwave Fields, E.R. AdairInteraction of Nonmodulated and Pulse Modulated Radio Frequency Fields with Living Matter: Experimental Results, S.M. Michaelson and E.C. ElsonModulated Fields and "Window" Effects, E. Postow and M.L. SwicordAPPENDIX 1Important Constants and Frequently Used Units of MeasurementAPPENDIX 2Safety StandardsINDEX

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