GENERAL ASPECTS. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR AND INTEGUMENTARY EMBRYONY. Material and Methods of Research. Microsporogenesis, Microgametogenesis and Mature Pollen Grains. Megasporogenesis, Megagametogenesis and Mature Embryo Sacs. Double Fertilization. Endospermogenesis. Initial Cells of Nucellar and Integumentary Embryos=Embryocytes. Mitosis of Embryocytes (Sarcococca Humilis). Development of Sexual and Asexual Embryos. Polyembryony. Theoretical Grounds for Nucellar and Integumentary Embryony. Adventive Embryos and Embryoids. OCCURRENCE OF NUCELLAR AND INTEGUMENTARY EMBRYONY. Occurrence of Nucellar and Integumentary Embryony in the System of Flowering Plants. Nucellar and Integumentary Embryony within Families, Genera and Species of Flowering Plants. Evolutionary Significance of Nucellar and Integumentary Embryony. APOMIXIS AND AMPHIMIXIS IN SEED REPRODUCTION OF FLOWERING PLANTS: CLASSIFICATION. A LIST OF SPECIES WITH NUCELLAR AND INTEGUM ENTARY EMBRYONY. REFERENCES.