Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World

ISBN: 9781305117204 出版年:2015 页码:514 John W Satzinger Robert B Jackson Stephen D Burd Cengage


SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN IN A CHANGING WORLD teaches the conceptual technical and managerial foundations for systems analysis design and implementation, as well as project management principles for systems development projects. The fifth edition continues the book's popular format of teaching both approaches to systems analysis and design: the traditional (structured) and the object-oriented (OO). This new edition offers expanded coverage of the object-oriented approach to design in two newly formed chapters, with Chapter 11 concentrating on principles and Chapter 12 covering use case realizations in depth. New and enhanced coverage of project management also teaches important issues related to adaptive projects as well as the traditional predictive approach to projects. Added perspective is provided for students via the running case studies and "Best Practices" feature.

A. Taylor

This book was assigned for class, and I do not have any other books to compare this one to. Although I'm studying systems design, I find the topic as presented in this book to be redundant and boring. The entire book centers around using the UML (Unified Modeling Language) to draw out various diagrams and flowcharts for how systems should operate. The topic itself is useful for understanding how computer systems should collect, process, organize, store, and output data. The way the book presents its diagrams, pictures, and information, it feels...obsolete. These are things I could see being heavily implemented in the late 90's and early 2000's, but in 2016 not so much. Everything builds on top of everything else as you progress throughout the book, but it left me scratching my head as to why we learned how to design activity diagrams if we were just going to replace them with a Systems Sequence Diagram later. Or, why did we learn how to design a domain model when a few chapters later, we toss it out in favor of a Domain Class Diagram? Maybe the topic itself isn't really a semester's worth of content, but I feel the book could have cut a lot out and still have provided students with all the same relevant information. On a positive note, the book provides several "case studies" throughout and provides you opportunity to apply your knowledge to a potential "real world" case. Each chapter builds on the case study so by the end of the book you have completed nearly the entire process of designing an information system, start to finish. If you are on the fence about whether to rent this book or purchase it to add to your collection, I'll say that I'm glad I rented mine because I'm not sure I will ever reference this book anytime throughout my career.


Happy about it very much. It’s new and I got it quickly. Not bad price for a new copy. Keep up the good work.


Very practical and useful

Amazon Customer

Don't buy waste of money...doesn't explain concepts clearly!!


Had to use this book for a MIS class. It was expensive and had misspellings and the terminology was all just so general. I would have been better off using online materials and saved the money. The questions in the quizzes were just specific to this book and sometimes you couldn't even find the answer in the book. Book sucked and so did the class. I wish I could have saved the $125 that I blew on this book for AN ONLINE RENTAL!!!! Professors must get a cut of the book sales that they recommend because I don't understand how they could recommend such crap.

Ahmed Abderaman

easier to get and cheaper.

Aicha D.

I understand that the book is a rental one, however, it does not have to be torned on the edges like it is. I did not care much to write a review when I got the book. It does the work but it could just look a bit less used.

LRod R. Jara

Came in perfect condition

J. Clark

Only needed it for class and the book is terribly written compared to books from other classes.


Very informative textbook.


Great book. Arrived on time


No answers to any questions in the textbook, gotta pay an extra $30 just to get a solutions e-book. Immoral garbage.

A. Taylor

This book was assigned for class, and I do not have any other books to compare this one to. Although I'm studying systems design, I find the topic as presented in this book to be redundant and boring. The entire book centers around using the UML (Unified Modeling Language) to draw out various diagrams and flowcharts for how systems should operate. The topic itself is useful for understanding how computer systems should collect, process, organize, store, and output data.The way the book presents its diagrams, pictures, and information, it feels...obsolete. These are things I could see being heavily implemented in the late 90's and early 2000's, but in 2016 not so much. Everything builds on top of everything else as you progress throughout the book, but it left me scratching my head as to why we learned how to design activity diagrams if we were just going to replace them with a Systems Sequence Diagram later. Or, why did we learn how to design a domain model when a few chapters later, we toss it out in favor of a Domain Class Diagram? Maybe the topic itself isn't really a semester's worth of content, but I feel the book could have cut a lot out and still have provided students with all the same relevant information.On a positive note, the book provides several "case studies" throughout and provides you opportunity to apply your knowledge to a potential "real world" case. Each chapter builds on the case study so by the end of the book you have completed nearly the entire process of designing an information system, start to finish.If you are on the fence about whether to rent this book or purchase it to add to your collection, I'll say that I'm glad I rented mine because I'm not sure I will ever reference this book anytime throughout my career.

Fae Kinnitt

My comment is not about the content because I'm so annoyed with the display. This book moves likes a book of pictures. Copy and paste is hit or miss, and the pages are hard to navigate. Each page has a margin that's like 25% of the page with keywords and definitions. That's fine. But if you want to try to read the other 75% of the page, you have to enlarge it and basically zoom in until the 25% out of view and the text is large enough. And when you're zoomed in at 10,000% with no bearing on where you are on the page, if you scroll too far down, you end up at the top of the next page. And if you were caught off guard and scroll back trying to get to that last sentence you read, it puts you at the top of the last page. You're forced to work slowly down the page so you don't end up zoomed in at the top of the next page. It's so annoying and on top of that, there's no text to speech. It's like a book of pictures of pages with bad OCR.


Had to use this book for a MIS class. It was expensive and had misspellings and the terminology was all just so general. I would have been better off using online materials and saved the money. The questions in the quizzes were just specific to this book and sometimes you couldn't even find the answer in the book. Book sucked and so did the class. I wish I could have saved the $125 that I blew on this book for AN ONLINE RENTAL!!!! Professors must get a cut of the book sales that they recommend because I don't understand how they could recommend such crap.

Aicha D.

I understand that the book is a rental one, however, it does not have to be torned on the edges like it is. I did not care much to write a review when I got the book. It does the work but it could just look a bit less used.

J. Clark

Only needed it for class and the book is terribly written compared to books from other classes.


Great book. Arrived on time

Edward Hinds

I love the hard cover. The binding is good and quality of the pages also good. The content is well structured although I feel that the wording could have been simplified. Really happy with this text and what I am getting out of it. Perfect for Uni students.


Product is ok. Came late so returning it.


No answers to any questions in the textbook, gotta pay an extra $30 just to get a solutions e-book. Immoral garbage.


Happy about it very much. It’s new and I got it quickly. Not bad price for a new copy. Keep up the good work.
