For the Gyp/ies, they and the Foul Difeafe have alike the Fate to run through a Geography of Names, and to be made free of as many Coun tries, as zdmof'c th ere ate Languages to call them Names ih; for as the Preach call the Fox, the India Difeafe, they again give it to the Spaniards, as thefe to the French; [0 the French call the Gypfies Boemz'e, or Bohemians, belike, becaufe they made their fitfi: Appea~ rance in Bohemia of any Part of Europe; the Italians Name them Z ingarz' or Saracefls, the Spaniards hams as we Egyptians 5. Whether it be, that: the Imliaus Tarés, as the Spaniards give them the Mean, as bein bath the next Neighbots to eac 5 I take not up'