Recollections of a California Pioneer

ISBN: 9781331966098 出版年:2018 页码:240 Carlisle S Abbott Forgotten Books


This book of Recollections was entirely writ ten after I had passed my eighty-eighth birth day, the chief inducement to the undertaking being a desire on my part to leave to my child ren, my grandchildren, and their posterity a story of my long life.

Vision Wrangler

This is a riveting, personal account of traveling across the country for the gold rush. Every chapter is a gem unto itself, and will get your imagination swirling and leave you wanting to know more. Absolutely amazing. An easy read, and appropriate for readers of all ages.

Vision Wrangler

This is a riveting, personal account of traveling across the country for the gold rush. Every chapter is a gem unto itself, and will get your imagination swirling and leave you wanting to know more. Absolutely amazing. An easy read, and appropriate for readers of all ages.
