Seventy-five years ago the latent resources of Daviess county lay slumbering in her noble forests and her virgin soil. For untold years she had been waiting — waiting for the touch of a magical hand — waiting for man with the golden key of progress and civilization to unlock her wonderful treas ure house and distribute her generous bounty to the world. Waited while the trees of the forest grew old and hoary with years, died, and others grew to take their place. Waited while with each succeeding year spread her queenly prairie with her vernal carpet of richest hue, all garlanded with flowers and diamonded with dew. She had been touched by the Red man, but not defaced. Her wealth and beauty were reserved for the sons and daughters of a worthier race. But in 1830 there transpired events which presaged a change. A wonderful change! The march of empire like a slow moving but irresistible force was heard in the distance. Already the vanguard had crossed the Father of Waters and gained afirm foothold upon its we tern shores. The dawn of civiliza tion was at hand, the gray ghosts of forgotten ages fled at her approach. As early as 1826 faithful spies had traversed the Grand River valley and had brought back glowing reports of a coun~ try rich in natural resources. Here the forest abounded in game, the streams with fish, the prairies were billowy seas of succulent grass. Altogether the picture presented an ideal scene, where the hardy pioneer could rear his cabin and spend his days surrounded by peace and plenty.