In presenting this volume to the public, I desire, in jus tice to the deceased author, to explain that, though the facts it embodies were furnished by the person whose name appears on the title page, owing to impairment of vision the work of preparation was of necessity committed to an amanuensis. That the material was good, probably few will deny; therefore, whatsoever of merit the work may possess, belongs of right to the author, while the aman uensis accepts whatever of blame that may attach to the defects the reader may discover. The work primarily begun to beguile the tedium inci dent to the author's loss of sight was partly published in the galveston-dallas N ews, where it seemed to attract fa vorable notice; in so much that we were repeatedly urged to put it in book form for preservation. The extreme age of the author, he being then 89, rendered it expedient to hasten the work. Sixty years was a wide gulf for a single memory to span, and being away in California where he had neither the benefit of old associations to refresh his memory, nor the advantages of extended historical re search to assist him on doubtful points, and his death oc curring before the final revision w-as completed, it is quite possible there may be slight errors. For these, if they exist, we beg the readers' indulgence.