This history is based chiefly on the original manuscripts and records of the Wachovia Archives, deposited in the building of the Historical Society, Salem, North Carolina. The manuscripts from 1752 to 1854 were written in the German language, and from 1855 to the present time in the English language. There is an unbroken file from the first year, and the value of these documents as a part of the general history of North Carolina and the special history of the Moravian Church in Wachovia cannot be overestimated. The chapters which follow do not attempt to give a full résumé of the contents of these valuable papers. The future student of the history of Wachovia will find matter to fill a number of volumes; biography, religion, educa tion, adventure, finances, industries, are all treated in the Archive records, and we trust that this book may act as an influence to stimulate further research into the story of Wachovia, which is so rich in historical lore, but which has thus far not been given its proper place in the literature of the State and Church.