Business Correspondence: Correspondence English, Business Letter Writing Customs, Files and Systems, Writing Effective Business Letters —— Correspondence English, Business Letter Writing Customs, Files and Systems, Writing Effective Business Letters


ISBN: 9781330292761 出版年:2018 页码:223 Burt Clifford Bean Forgotten Books


The business man who sees the sure result of a satisfactorily-handled letter naturally wants to know how it is done. Many books are in existence which give a great deal of information about certain essentials of letter-writing, but there has always seemed to be lacking in most of these works the specific directions which a broad business man needs to produce a well written letter. It is not to be supposed that the more common details and essentials need be given much space, for that is not what is demanded. Rather, about the essen tiale should be grouped such facts as experience has taught those who are in touch with business conditions are the broad truths, the large views of this important science. This, indeed, is the aim of the entire Business Men's Library, of which this is the second volume.

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