Conformal Methods in General Relativity

ISBN: 9781316689073 出版年:2016 页码:626 Juan A Valiente Kroon Cambridge University Press


This book offers a systematic exposition of conformal methods and how they can be used to study the global properties of solutions to the equations of Einstein's theory of gravity. It shows that combining these ideas with differential geometry can elucidate the existence and stability of the basic solutions of the theory. Introducing the differential geometric, spinorial and PDE background required to gain a deep understanding of conformal methods, this text provides an accessible account of key results in mathematical relativity over the last thirty years, including the stability of de Sitter and Minkowski spacetimes. For graduate students and researchers, this self-contained account includes useful visual models to help the reader grasp abstract concepts and a list of further reading, making this the perfect reference companion on the topic.

Christian Boehmer

Conformal methods in general relativity is the first comprehensive text which covers this topic of mathematical relativity. The conformal method is based on the idea of introducing a conformal (angle preserving) transformation of the metric and reformulating the gravitational field equation, one arrives at what are called the conformal Einstein field equations. When this formulation is combined with the modern theory of partial differential equations, one arrives at a powerful method which allows one to study global properties of solutions of the Einstein field equations. The book is a self-contained exposition of this subject and should be accessible to readers with some General Relativity background. Part I of the book introducing the necessary geometrical tools which are beyond the introductory level textbook material while Part II discusses General Relativity in this conformal framework. Part III introduces the required PDE methods. The final part of the book, Part IV, is where everything comes together and the power of this approach is presented. It is shown that de Sitter like spacetimes and Minkowski space are stable, static solutions are also discussed. Spatial infinity is discussed and the book finishes by discussing this method in the context of applications to cosmological models and also some numerical methods in GR. This is a highly recommended text for post-graduate students, post-docs and researchers who are interested in conformal method in general relativity. It fills a wide gap in the literature.
