1. Origins and definition of the picaresque genre J. A. Garrido Ardila 2. Lazarillo de Tormes and the dream of a world without poverty Alexander Samson 3. Guzman de Alfarache and after: the Spanish picaresque novel in the seventeenth century Howard Mancing 4. The Spanish female picaresque Enrique Garcia Santo-Tomas 5. The Baroque picaro: Francisco de Quevedo's Buscon Edward H. Friedman 6. Cervantes and the picaresque: a question of compatibility Chad M. Gasta 7. The picaresque novel and the rise of the English novel: from Baldwin and Delony to Defoe and Smollett J. A. Garrido Ardila 8. Defoe and the picaresque Brean Hammond 9. Picaresque itineraries in the eighteenth-century French novel Jenny Mander 10. The picaro as narrator, writer and reader: the novels of Hans Jakob von Grimmelshausen Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly 11. Russia: the picaresque repackaged Marcia A. Morris 12. Riches to rags: from epic to picaresque at the colonial origins of the Latin American novel Erik Camayd-Freixas 13. The neopicaresque. The picaresque myth in the twentieth-century novel Shelley Godsland.