Acknowledgements 1. Introduction Part I. Contexts and Possibilities: 2. General context 3. Mental furniture Part II. Texts: 4. The real rights of man 5. An essay on the right of property in land 6. Enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on morals and happiness 7. The effects of civilization on the people in European States 8. A lay sermon addressed to the higher and middle classes on the existing distresses and discontents 9. Report to the county of Lanark 10. A few doubts as to the correctness of some opinions generally entertained on the subjects of population and political economy 11. An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth most conductive to human happiness applied to the newly proposed system of voluntary equality of wealth 12. Labour defended against the claims of capital or the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen 13. Rural rides 14. Conclusion Notes Index.