Electrical Grounding and Bonding

ISBN: 9781133948605 出版年:2014 页码:386 Phil Simmons Cengage


This user-friendly, practical guide provides a thorough and effective introduction to the essentials of electrical grounding and bonding. Written in accordance with the 2014 National Electrical Code®, ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING, Fourth Edition, features complete, up-to-date coverage of Article 250 requirements. The text's detailed explanations, real-world examples, and vibrant, full-color illustrations help readers master and apply key electrical concepts such as calculating conductor sizes, reading and interpreting NEC® tables, using grounded conductor connections in DC and AC systems, managing installations and sizing, and applying "green" practices for energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Ideal for students in degree programs, apprenticeships, and professional training such as IEC and NJATC courses, this proven guide is a must-have resource for career success.


Good Product

Henry isamau

Very good

Chester A. Brzostek

Better than I expected...also appreciated the reference to Mr. O'Riley and his work on "Electrical Grounding and Bonding."

Mr. Sarantis

not as good as i expected to be! note that is based on the American regulations and not the BS.

Chester A. Brzostek

Better than I expected...also appreciated the reference to Mr. O'Riley and his work on "Electrical Grounding and Bonding."

Mr. Sarantis

not as good as i expected to be! note that is based on the American regulations and not the BS.
