Distinguished by its superior allied health focus and integration of technology, Seager and Slabaugh's CHEMISTRY FOR TODAY: ORGANIC, AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Fifth Edition continues to lead the market on both fronts through numerous allied health-related applications, examples, boxes, and a new Companion Web Site, GOB ChemistryNow . In addition to the many resources found in GOB ChemistryNow, this powerful new Web site contains questions modeled after the "Nursing School and Allied Health Entrance Exams" and NCLEX-LPN "Certification Exams." The authors strive to dispel users' inherent fear of chemistry and to instill an appreciation for the role chemistry plays in our daily lives through a rich pedagogical structure and an accessible writing style that provides lucid explanations. In addition, Seager and Slabaugh's ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY FOR TODAY, Fifth Edition, provides greater support in both problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. By demonstrating how this information will be important to a reader's future career and providing important career information online, the authors not only help readers to set goals but also to focus on achieving them."