The Concise Wadsworth Handbook

ISBN: 9781133310334 出版年:2013 页码:612 Laurie G Kirszner Stephen R Mandell Cengage


Tailored to student learning styles and needs, grounded in student models, and used as a resource for all academic and workplace contexts, THE CONCISE WADSWORTH HANDBOOK, Fourth Edition, offers practical writing advice for today's student--emphasizing the writing and research processes in a brief, affordable, spiral-bound format. Student and instructor friendly, easy to use, and offering comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the writing and research processes, the Fourth Edition features revised checklists and other boxed features to help students comprehend and apply important concepts to their writing. In addition, a unique section--Part 2, "Developing Strategies for Academic and Professional Success"--contains chapters on reading for college, writing essay exams, writing for the workplace, designing effective documents, and writing in a digital environment. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections

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