1. Post-conflict truth telling: exploring extended territory Margaret Walker 2. Reparations, restitution, and transitional justice Larry May 3. Addressing atrocity at the local level: community based approaches to transitional justice in Central Africa Phil Clark 4. Timor-Leste and transitional justice: should we pursue international prosecutions for the crimes committed in East Timor in 1999? Jovana Davidovic 5. Justice after war: economic actors, economic crimes, and the moral imperative for accountability after war Joanna Kyriakakis 6. Child soldiers, transitional justice, and the architecture of post bellum settlements Mark A. Drumbl 7. Our soldiers, right or wrong: the postwar treatment of troops C. A. J. Coady 8. Democratization and just cause Robert Talisse 9. Skepticism about jus post bellum Seth Lazar 10. Law and the jus post bellum: counseling caution Robert Cryer 11. Conclusion Andrew Forcehimes and Larry May.