Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics:Volume 1

ISBN: 9780521348690 出版年:1989 页码:258 Erika Bohm-Vitense Cambridge University Press


This textbook introduces basic elements of fundamental astronomy and astrophysics which serve as a foundation for understanding the structure, evolution, and observed properties of stars. The first half of the book explains how stellar motions, distances, luminosities, colours, radii, masses and temperatures are measured or derived. The author then shows how data of these sorts can be arranged to classify stars through their spectra. Stellar rotation and stellar magnetic fields are introduced. Stars with peculiar spectra and pulsating stars also merit special attention. The endpoints of stellar volutions are briefly described. There is a separate chapter on the Sun and a final one on interstellar absorption. The usefulness of this text is enhanced by the inclusion of problems for students, tables of astronomical constants, and a selective bibliography.


This is an excellent series Vol 1 thur 3 for the person wishing to review the basics of stellar astrophysics. I stress the words review for the author assumes at least a basic level of knowledge on how astronomical data is measured. The reader is cautioned to be versed in basic mathematical skills up through the beginning calculus level as detailed worked out examples are not provided in the text. At the conclusion of this and Volumes 2 and 3 are a series of chapter review problems for which there are no answers provided. Volume 2 and 3 deal with stellar atmospheres and interiors.This is a good set of volumes and worth having if you are knowledgeable in the subject. It is not a self teaching set but a sound set to be used for classroom work at the intermediate level.My only real complaint was that the author did not provide worked out answers to the problem sets at the end of each book.


I have to say, I thought this book was a bit pricey at $2,420, but you really need to think about what you're getting.Once you've sold your car to be able to afford it, you can just use the hard-cover (shiny but not too slippery) to sled to school. What's that you say? You can't sled both ways? Well that's okay; you should never go home, because that's how the debt collectors get you.I'm just glad they finally found something to print on the wood pulp from Jesus's cross.

Adnan M K

The condition of the book is very good. I would like to buy from this seller again.Thanks
