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Proportionality: Constitutional Rights and their Limitations

ISBN: 9781107401198 出版年:2012 页码:640 Barak Cambridge University Press


Part I. Constitutional Rights: Scope and Limitations: 1. Constitutional rights: scope and the extent of its protection 2. Determining the scope of constitutional rights 3. Conflicting constitutional rights 4. Limitation of constitutional rights 5. Limiting constitutional rights by law Part II. Proportionality: Sources, Nature, Function: 6. The nature and function of proportionality 7. The historical origins of proportionality 8. The legal sources of proportionality Part III. The Components of Proportionality: 9. Proper purpose 10. Rational connection 11. Necessity 12. Proportionality stricto sensu (balancing) 13. Proportionality and reasonableness 14. Zone of proportionality: legislator and judge 15. Proportionality and positive constitutional rights 16. The burden of proof Part IV. Proportionality Evaluated: 17. Proportionality's importance 18. The criticism on proportionality and a retort 19. Alternatives to proportionality 20. The future of proportionality.

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