Preface Part I. Economic Role of State: 1. General introduction and main issues Part II. Historical Review: 2. The role of the state in the pre World War Two period 3. Forces that changed the role of the state 4. Growth of public spending in the 20th century 5. The role of the state in social protection: historical landmarks 6. Globalization and public spending Part III. Theoretical and Analytical Issues: 7. Theories of public sector behavior: taxonomy of government types 8. Voluntary exchange and public choice theories 9. The Nord European economic theory of fiscal policy 10. Policy tools and government roles Part IV. The Outcome of State Intervention: 11. Evaluating the impact of public spending on socio-economic indicators 12. Social protection in the modern world: quantitative aspects 13. The role of the state and economic performance in the Nordic countries Part V. Reflections on The Role of the State in the Future: 14. The economic role of the state in the future: concluding observations.