Introduction Part I. Means of Communication: 1. Routes and journeys 2. Meetings, embassies and correspondence 3. The movement of money Part II. Indirect Channels of Communication: 4. Lesser means of diffusing Angevin influences Part III. Settlers in the Regno: 5. Robert II d'Artois 6. The Dampierres, the comital family of Flanders 7. Other French aristocratic families 8. Foundations and degrees of French aristocratic commitment to the Angevin regime in the Regno 9. The French experience in the Regno Part IV. Cultural and Political Impacts: 10. Royal ideology: the saintly family 11. Religious politics and practices 12. The universities of Naples and Paris 13. Medicine and science 14. Law 15. Administrative practices 16. Navy and army 17. Literature Epilogue: spurs to remembering Conclusion.