----- 沿海热带生态系统农药残留:发行、命运与影响
Introduction. Pesticides in the Marine Environment of Ghana. Pesticide Use in Zimbabwe: Impact on Lake Kariba, a Tropical Freshwater Ecosystem. Pesticides in Kenya. Distribution, Fate and Effects of Pesticides in the Tropical Coastal Zones of India K.. Pesticides in Bangladesh. Pesticide Use in Malaysia: Trends and Impacts. Distribution, Fate and Impact of Pesticides in the Tropical Marine Environment of Vietnam. Pesticides in the Peoples Republic of China. Ecotoxicology of Pesticides in the Philippines' Aquatic Ecosystem. Pesticides in the Coastal Zone of Mexico. The Use of Pesticide in Costa Rica and Their Impact on Coastal Ecosystems. Pesticides in Colombia: Their Application, Use and Legislation. Pesticide Use in Cuban Agriculture: Present and Prospects. Use, Fate and Ecotoxicity of Pesticides in Jamaica and the Commonwealth Caribbean. Coastal Watershed-Based Ecological Risk Assessment - Gulf of Mexico. Summary.